COVID19 Remote and Essential Services

From our team to yours, we hope you, your family and your wider team are safe and well in this unprecidented global Covid-19 pandemic. Our NZ and UK staff are now in full community quarantine.

Rest assured our office teams are remote working enabled. We will continue to have the office staff, sales, consultancy, drawing and engineering services available over the next four weeks to support you. We will be able to help with quotes, engineering, and technical support.

The workshop stays available for essential services only, and we can respond to these. Our manufacturing facilities are quick start, and all of our factory staff are available at short notice. Site works on essential services are on a case-by-case basis, with additional controls as per NZ level 4 alert requirements.

While the workshop is closed to non-essential services, we will be accepting orders during the shutdown period and scheduling them for the return back.

So if you need anything, please contact us directly as per the normal channels, and our wider details are available on our contacts page

From our home to yours - stay safe and well

Kia Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia Manawanui

Team Armatec
